Sunday, 10 April 2011

News, news, news and #fridayflash

So, like the title says: news! =)

First up, I'm pretty chuffed that my story Red Tank has been published over at I've read 365T on and off since the first year when it was only the few of them. Since they opened up to submissions I've always wanted to send them something but never got round to it (that was about 4/5 years ago, I'm very organised).

I was going to use the story for Missing Pieces, but on a whim I thought I would send it off to 365T first, give it a go. I actually missed the acceptance email (my spam filter ate it) so it just turned up in my blog feed, which was awesome! *^_^*

Secondly... what should I submit for the Best of #FridayFlash vol. 2?

Help! What's been your favourite dive into the Xeroverse so far? And how could it be better? (we get to edit before we submit)

My personal favourites are:

Doors (101 words)
Murder between the Stars (science fiction)
People Pies (suspense/ crime)
Starling (magic realism)

Thanks to anyone who takes the time to have a look at these. =)

And finally, the third thing, I've started a new blog...


I know, I know! It's not as if I don't already neglect enough of my blogs. But this one's something a little different, a photoblog. Adventures in Android is an exploration of phone camera photography, a side project.

I love photography, but I love writing more and that will always be the priority when it comes to time management. AiA is a little concession to a secondary passion, and one I can hopefully keep up without it cutting into my writing time too much. =)